Case Study: Store Redesign Planning

Agco logo


Miller Zell was tasked with updating Agco’s dealership identity. As a first step, more information was needed about the existing situation across more than 1,300 locations.

Map - Agco Rollout


Miller Zell and Agco engaged G-Force to collect location intelligence. Experienced G-Force team members quickly deployed to complete site surveys.

Detailed site drawings, elevations and measurements were collected. The G-Force team also collected interior, exterior and 360° photography. 


  • G-Force completed the 1,300 site survey on-time and on-budget.
  • All details were stored in a secure portal, providing project managers and leadership with fingertip access.
  • Based on the collected data, Miller Zell was able to design a new identity for Agco dealerships which best reflected its client’s global presence and brand attributes.